The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Part Numbers - AHH6701 (and ARH1112 and ARH1113)
Oil Adapter Fitting and Bonded Seal Washer

PART NO.  SPL.PAGE  DESCRIPTION                                                           
ARH1112   16.A.35   Seal -bonded -(oil cooler, eng.unit 1622) -not available use AHH6701
ARH1113   16.A.35   Adapter union -(oil cooler, eng.unit 1622) -not available use AHH6701

AHH6701   16.A.35   Adapter union assembly -(oil cooler, eng.unit 1622) -replaces
    ARH1112 and ARH1113 (separate union and seal)

adapter for oil cooler hose
adapter for oil cooler hose This adapter is used at the hose to filter head connection when installing an oil cooler (or an oil by-pass hose) with the Austin B-series engine (MGA and MGB).

The fine thread on the outboard end is for the AN hose connector. The thread on the engine side (with the seal washer) is a BSP standard thread.

The AHH6701 part number is a similar fitting with bonded seal washer included in assembly. At time of this posting (Feb 2022), most likely the AHH6701 part is no longer available, so use one each ARH1112 seal and ARH1113 adapter (Moss (Motors USA part numbers 324-800 and 435-590).

Thank you for your comments --
Send e-mail to <Barney Gaylord>
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